rooDial is a Roon extension that controls Roon with a Microsoft Surface Dial. The Surface Dial is a minimalist, simple and cleverly designed product that is sure to fit well in your living room.
With rooDial, you can not only control the volume, but also pause playback or skip to the next track with a turn or press of the dial.
rooDial unterstützt Roon-Cores auf allen Plattformen (Windows, macOS, Linux, roonOS), alle von Roon getesteten DACs und alle Roon Ready-Wiedergabegeräte, einschließlich der kostenlosen Roon Bridge.
Sie besitzen noch keine Microsoft Surface Dial? Unter diesem Link können Sie sie bestellen (via Amazon).
We use the service provider Sellcodes to sell the license keys. Sellcodes is a European company based in Malta. It is therefore subject to the GDPR. As we sell internationally, we show all prices net and in US dollars. The prices displayed are therefore subject to the applicable sales tax in the respective country. This is only displayed in the checkout dialog. In order to purchase a license, you must first click on the two checkboxes and thus agree to the guidelines of Sellcodes.
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Extend Roon with things you love!
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You can pay for your rooExtend Box easily and securely. You can choose between the most common payment methods such as PayPal, credit card and many more.
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